DIN 976 Stud Bolts (Metric)

High Temperature Carbon Steel Nuts

DIN 976 Full Threaded Stud Bolts

DIN 976-1 Type A Stud Bolts

DIN 976 Stud Bolt Dimensions (Metric)

Thread size (d) M10
M10 x 1.25
M12 x 1.25
M14 x 1.5
M16 x 1.5
M18 x 1.5
M20 x 1.5
M22 x 1.5
M24 x 2.0
M27 x 2.0
M30 x 2.0
M33 x 2.0
M36 x 3.0
M39 x 3.0
M42 x 3.0
M45 x 3.0
M48 x 3.0
M52 x 3.0
M56 x 4.0
M60 x 4.0
M64 x 4.0
M68 x 4.0
Length Approximate mass in kilograms per 1000 units
Nominal Size min max.
25 24.58 25.42 12.6 18.2                                        
30 29.58 30.42 15.1 21.8 29.8 40.0                                    
35 34.5 35.5 17.5 25.5 34.8 46.6 57.9                                  
40 39.5 40.5 20.1 29.1 39.8 53.3 66.1 83.3                                
45 44.5 45.5 22.5 32.7 44.8 60.0 74.4 93.7 115                              
50 49.5 50.5 25.1 36.4 49.7 66.6 82.7 104 128 150                            
55 54.4 55.6 27.5 40.0 54.7 73.3 90.9 115 141 165 213                          
60 59.4 60.6 30.1 43.7 59.7 80.0 99.2 125 154 180 232 284                        
65 64.4 65.6 32.5 47.3 64.6 86.6 107 135 166 195 251 308 378                      
70 69.4 70.6 35.2 50.9 69.6 93.3 116 146 179 210 271 332 407 482                    
75 74.4 75.6 37.7 54.7 74.6 100 124 156 192 225 290 355 437 516                    
80 79.4 80.6 40.2 58.2 79.6 107 132 167 205 240 310 379 466 550 654                  
90 89.3 90.7 45.2 65.5 89.5 120 149 187 230 270 348 427 524 619 735 847                
100 99.3 100.7 50.2 72.8 99.5 133 165 208 256 300 387 474 582 688 817 941 1091 1235            
110 109.3 110.7 56.2 80.0 109 147 182 229 282 330 426 521 640 757 899 1036 1201 1358            
120 119.3 120.7 60.2 87.3 119 160 198 250 307 360 464 569 698 825 980 1131 1310 1482 1758 2034        
130 129.2 130.8 65.1 94.6 129 173 215 271 333 390 503 616 757 894 1062 1224 1419 1605 1905 2203 2552 2895    
140 139.2 140.8 70.1 102 139 187 231 291 358 420 542 664 815 963 1143 1318 1528 1729 2052 2372 2748 3118 3547  
150 149.2 150.8 75.1 109 149 200 248 312 383 450 580 711 873 1032 1225 1412 1637 1852 2198 2542 2945 3341 3800 4289
160 159.2 160.8 80.1 117 159 213 265 333 410 480 619 758 931 1101 1307 1506 1747 1976 2345 2711 3141 3563 4054 4575
170 169.2 170.8 85.0 124 169 226 281 354 435 510 658 806 990 1169 1389 1600 1856 2099 2491 2881 3337 3786 4307 4861
180 179.2 180.8 90.0 131 180 239 298 375 461 540 696 853 1048 1238 1471 1695 1965 2223 2637 3050 3533 4009 4560 5147
190 189.08 190.93 95.0 138 190 252 315 396 486 570 735 901 1106 1307 1552 1789 2074 2346 2784 3219 3729 4232 4814 5433
200 199.08 200.93 99.9 146 199 265 332 416 512 600 774 948 1164 1376 1634 1883 2183 2470 2931 3389 3926 4455 5067 5719
220 219.08 220.93   160 218 291 366 456 563 660 851 1043 1281 1513 1797 2071 2401 2716 3224 3728 4319 4901 5574 6291
240 239.08 240.93   175 237 317 400 496 614 720 929 1138 1397 1651 1961 2260 2620 2963 3517 4067 4712 5347 6080 6863
260 258.95 261.05     256 343 434 535 665 780 1006 1232 1513 1788 2124 2448 5838 3210 3810 4406 5104 5793 6587 7435
280 278.95 281.05     275 369 468 575 716 840 1083 1327 1630 1926 2288 2636 3056 3457 4103 4745 5497 6239 7094 8007
300 298.95 301.05       395 502 615 767 900 1161 1422 1746 2064 2451 2824 3275 3704 4396 5084 5889 6682 7600 8579
320 318.85 321.15       421 536 655 818 960 1239 1517 1862 2202 2614 3013 3493 3951 4689 5423 6282 7127 8107 9150
340 338.85 341.15         570 694 869 1020 1317 1612 1978 2340 2778 3201 3711 4198 4982 5762 6675 7572 8614 9722
360 358.85 361.15         604 734 920 1080 1395 1707 2094 2478 2941 3389 3930 4445 5275 6101 7067 8017 9121 10294
380 378.85 381.15           774 971 1140 1473 1802 2210 2816 3104 3578 4148 4692 5568 6440 7480 8462 9627 10866
400 398.85 401.15           815 1022 1200 1551 1897 2325 2754 3267 3766 4366 4939 5861 6779 7853 8908 10134 11438
420 418.75 421.25             1073 1260 1629 1992 2442 2892 3430 3954 4585 5186 6155 7118 8245 9354 10641 12009
440 438.75 441.25             1124 1320 1707 2087 2548 3030 3593 4142 4803 5433 6448 7457 8638 9799 11147 12582
460 458.75 461.25               1380 1785 2182 2674 3168 3756 4330 5021 5680 6741 7796 9030 10245 11654 13154
480 478.75 481.25               1440 1863 2277 2790 3306 3919 4518 5239 5927 7034 8134 9423 10690 12161 13726
500 498.75 501.25                 1941 2372 2906 3444 4082 4706 5457 6174 7327 8473 9816 11136 12667 14298
1000 995.5 1004.5 502 728 995 1330 1650 2080 2560 3000 3882 4744 5812 6888 8164 9412 10914 12348 14654 96946 19632 22272 25334 28596
2000 1992.5 2007.5 1004 1456 1990 2660 3300 4160 5120 6000 7764 9488 11624 13776 16328 18824 21828 24696 29308 33892 39264 44544 50668 57192
3000 2989.5 3010.5 1506 2184 2985 3990 4950 6240 7680 9000 11646 14232 17436 20664 24492 28236 32742 37044 43962 50838 58896 68816 76002 85788

Technical Delivery Conditions

Characteristic Standard
General Requirements
Thread Tolerance 6g
Standard DIN ISO 965-2
Mechanical Properties Property Class (material) For sizes M3 up to M39: 4.8, 5.6, 5.8, 8.8, 10.9 or 12.9.
For sizes above M39: subject to agreement.
  Standard DIN EN ISO 898-1 (test programme B).
Limit deviations and geometrical tolerances3 Product Grade A
Standard DIN EN ISO 4759 Part 1
Surface finish As processed.
DIN 267 Part 2 applies with regard to surface roughness.
DIN EN ISO 4042 applies with regard to electroplating.
DIN EN ISO 10683 applies with regard to zinc flake coatings.
Surface discontinuities DIN EN 26157-3 applies with regard to limits for surface discontinuities for property classes 5.6, 8.8, 10.9 and 12.9
Acceptability DIN 267 Part 5 shall apply with regard to acceptance inspection.
a : For stud bolts with nominal lengths of 1000mm or more, the tolerance on length shall be js17 (product grade B as in DIN EN ISO 4759-1).

ASTM A194 Grade 8M Fastener Coatings