ASME B18.2.3.5M Metric Hex Bolts

ASME B18.2.3.5M Metric Hex Bolts

ASME B18.2.3.5M Metric Hex Bolts

Dimensions of Metric Hex Bolts

Nominal Bolt Diameter, D, and Thread Pitch Body Diameter Ds Width Across Flats, S Width Across Corners, E Head Height, K Wrenching Height, K1, Min For Bolt Lengths
Basic Thread Length, a B
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min < 125mm > 125 and < 200mm > 200mm
M5 x 0.8 5.48 4.52 8.00 7.64 9.24 8.63 3.58 3.35 2.4 16 22 35
M6 x 1 6.19 5.52 10.00 9.64 11.55 10.89 4.38 3.55 2.8 18 24 37
M8 x 1.25 8.58 7.42 13.00 12.57 15.01 14.20 5.68 5.10 3.7 22 28 41
aM10 x 1.5 10.58 9.42 15.00 14.57 17.32 16.46 6.85 6.17 4.5 26 32 45
M10 x 1.5 10.58 9.42 16.00 15.57 18.48 17.59 6.85 6.17 4.5 26 32 45
M12 x 1.75 12.70 11.30 18.00 17.57 20.78 19.85 7.95 7.24 5.2 30 36 49
M14 x 2 14.70 13.30 21.00 20.16 24.25 22.78 9.25 8.51 6.2 34 40 53
M16 x 2 16.70 15.30 24.00 23.16 27.71 26.17 10.75 9.68 7.0 38 44 57
M20 x 2.5 20.84 19.16 30.00 29.16 34.64 32.95 13.40 12.12 8.8 46 52 65
M24 x 3 24.84 23.16 36.00 35.00 41.57 39.55 15.90 14.56 10.5 54 60 73
M30 x 3.5 30.84 29.16 46.00 45.00 5312 50.55 19.78 17.92 13.1 66 72 85
M36 x 4 37.00 35.00 55.00 53.80 63.51 60.79 23.55 21.72 15.8 78 84 97
M42 x 4.5 43.00 41.00 65.00 62.90 75.06 71.71 27.05 25.03 18.2 90 96 109
M48 x 5 49.00 47.00 75.00 72.60 86.60 82.76 31.07 28.93 21.0 102 108 121
M56 x 5.5 57.20 54.80 85.00 82.20 98.15 93.71 36.20 33.80 24.5 -- 124 137
M64 x 6 65.52 62.80 95.00 91.80 109.70 104.65 41.32 38.68 28.0 -- 140 153
M72 x 6 73.84 70.80 105.00 101.40 121.24 115.60 46.45 43.55 31.5 -- 156 169
M80 x 6 82.16 78.80 115.00 111.00 132.79 126.54 51.58 48.42 35.0 -- 172 185
M90 x 6 92.48 88.60 130.00 125.50 150.11 143.07 57.74 54.26 39.2 -- 192 205
M100 x 6 102.80 98.60 145.00 140.00 167.43 159.60 63.90 60.10 43.4 -- 212 225

1. aBasic thread length, B, is a reference dimension.
2. bThis size with width across flats of 15 mm is not standard. Unless specifically ordered, M10 hex bolts with 16mm width across flats will be furnished.

ASTM A194 Grade 8M Fastener Coatings